Events & Contests
Like & Stay tuned to Initiative Earth FB page! Join our Initiative Earth "LOVE NATURE" Campaign for World Environment Day, 5th June, 2020. #LoveNature. Catch all the latest environmental updates & action & participate in upcoming events, contests, polls & more. Want to volunteer? Contact us at
#LoveNature WED Campaign 2020
Launching Initiative Earth "LOVE NATURE" Campaign for World Environment Day 5th June, 2020 in parallel to the UNEP's theme for Biodiversity Conservation. We must rethink our relationship with nature We Indians have always worshiped & conserved nature. Let's protect and improve the natural environment through our little actions and be a part of change. Did you know the world’s 7.6 billion people represent just 0.01% of all living things, according to a study. Yet since the dawn of civilization, humanity has caused the loss of 83% of all wild mammals and half of plants. It’s time to undo the damage, mend our actions, sustain earth & raise our voices to tell the world that we need action now. Spread the word!
Biodiversity is one of the most complex features of our planet and is equally vital for our survival. Because of the huge biodiversity losses across the globe, it has become one of the major concerns for the future of our planet. Human-induced environmental changes modify wildlife population structure and reduce biodiversity, resulting in new environmental conditions. Take cues from wildlife trade & emergence of COVID or such viruses which jump from animals to humans. Our future depends on biodiversity. As of now biodiversity & its conservation is a growing topic of interest not only to scientists, but also to policymakers across the globe.
Celebrate "Earth" Each Day Everywhere! All Year Round! Have a heart for nature! Civilizations ended before, Mass extinctions have happened, Pandemic has hit us harder than our imagination! Think & Act. Little acts become a movement in no time. Let's join hands in this Revolution Named " INITIATIVE EARTH". Love, Protect, Nurture Earth Each Day, Everywhere!
If you are a green crusader, then we need you. Share with us your inspiring stories or pictures or bio to help us to inspire others. To love, protect & nurture Earth. Connect with us at or social media or call us at 8698407574.
Read Stories & Latest News here:
Know about Initiative Earth:
Launch of Initiative Earth by Rolling Nature
Why Initiative Earth Chose Rakhi for Digital Launch?
While we were working on different ideas of launching this initiative, we realized Rakhi was the first person to like Initiative Earth’s FB page. When we contacted her, we came to know that Rakhi is a doting mother who had been inculcating a feeling of love and responsibility towards earth & environment in her children. This is evident from the numerous paintings related to environment that her dear daughter Ishita Gupta has made. We have shared one of such paintings in this post. This knowledge further cemented our belief that “she will be the one” to launch this noble initiative. In this world where mother’s efforts are mostly undermined, we should give them the due respect & recognition for the most difficult tasks & managing everything so well. When we contacted her, Rakhi was surprised and was really glad to do the honors. Rakhi says “Thank you so much for providing me this wonderful opportunity. I am feeling very honoured “.
Through this step we want to make a point that we want all of you to come together in this journey. Each one of us has a potential to initiate a step towards a secure and sustainable future for mother earth. No act, howsoever small it is, goes wasted towards showing your love for earth.
From now onward we will be running various environmental campaigns, contests, & more on this page to make sure everyone gets involved. Join us in this revolution to protect and nurture earth.
Note: Due to the current scenario of the Pandemic we won't be able to do our campaign with a physical event but still we will try our best to do what we can.
LOVE NATURE Campaign 2020 Contests
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Follow Rolling Nature on FB, Twitter, Insta
#LoveNature Photo Contest! LIKE US @InitiativeEarth & Enter Now Are You a Fan of Nature? Share with us the best shots & stand a chance to win Amazon Cash vouchers! Contest ends on 8th June, 2020.You can post your pic in comment here:
This contest aims at rethinking human action that destroys beautiful nature. Preservation of Earth's Biodiversity is integral for our survival in future. We need to spread awareness to restore the damaged & protect what is left. The contest is a part of Initiative Earth's "LOVE NATURE" Campaign by “Initiative Earth” by Rolling Nature for World Environment Day 5th June, 2020. Last submission date is 8th June. Stay updated & stay connected with Initiative Earth & get involved.
About Initiative Earth: After 7 years of contributing to the welfare of Earth Rolling Nature started Initiative Earth to proactively for earth to address environmental concerns & issues. We will actively engage with policy makers, organizations, communities and individuals so that best possible decisions are made and timely actions are taken for a secure and sustainable future of Earth. We wish to achieve this aim by spreading our motto of love, protect and nurture Earth. Spread the word for the revolution.
Past Campaigns by Rolling Nature
#BreatheFreshIndoors 2019
Say No to Artificial Plants 2018
Connect with Nature 2017
Green Pune 2016
Green Living 2015
Share a Plant 2014
To know more about Initiative Earth Environmental arm of Rolling Nature visit us at
We care for Earth. Do you? Have a flair for writing? We welcome participants all across India to take part in this "Earth Warrior" Essay Competition. Be a part of change.
Topic 1 : Earth: The Unknown Challenges Ahead
Age Group: 12-18 yrs
Topic 2 : Earth: The Green Innovations for Future Sustenance
Age group: Above 18
Each Category Winner gets a Cash Prize & A Earth Warrior Certificate.
Winning Essays will be featured on Rolling Nature Blog & will be shared on social media of IE.
Other 3 participant for each group gets Certificate of rankings "Runner Ups". Other chosen participants will get digital certificates of appreciation.
So grab your pens/ tabs/ laptops and let the mind weave the words for a cause.
Submission Dates starts from 10th May! You can send your entries latest by 30th May, 2020. Names of the winners will be published on IE social media pages in second week of June, 2020. Separate intimation will also be sent to each of the winner through email.The Essay Competition consists of written submissions which are
delivered to the IE email within the given timeline. Kindly adhere to the guidelines below.
Title, Contact Info: The first page should have the Essay title in BOLD along with the Full name of the Participant, Full Address, E-mail ID, Contact Number, Name of the School/Institution/Organization which the candidate belongs (optional) . The essay should start from the next page. One submission is allowed per individual. Preferably written in MS Word, for writing rules details see below. Word File Name should be for Topic 1 - UCA followed by your full name, for Topic 2- GIFS followed by your full name. You can also mail us the transcript with complete details. The content has to be mailed at
with Subject "Earth Warriors Essay Competition", Mention "Topic 1" or "Topic 2" along as chosen by you to participate.
Word limit: Maximum 1500 -2000 word. Minimum word count not less than 500 words otherwise it will be disqualified. For those who need a general rule of thumb, 1 typical page which has 1-inch margins and is typed in 12 point font (preferable Times New Roman) with standard spacing elements will be approximately 500 words when typed single spaced.
Plagiarism: We will accept original content only. Write in your language. We don't encourage plagiarism. Sheer copy and pasting can disqualify the paper even before it reaches the eminent judges. As per rule, the content showing with minimum 10–15% general plagiarism will be allowed. The references or citations or source from any research/ journal/ author has to be mentioned in the essay with the use of double inverted commas.
Scoring of the essay:
Following criteria may be used in assessing the documents:
• Content – Originality: 65 %
• Clarity: 15 %
• Structure: 10 %
• Overall impression: 10 %
The quality of language will not be a decisive factor, as long as the
text retains its clarity and coherence. We encourage that the candidates in age group 12-18 should write the essay independently, however the technicalities of MS Word, Plagiarism concept, & submission formalities can be assisted by parents or elders. The winners will be selected on the above criteria & after that if there are any doubts relating the age group pertaining to the content presented, or other contact details the desired candidate will be asked to submit a photo identity proof just for the sole purpose of Detail Verification.
Wishing all the participants "ALL THE VERY BEST".