Chamaedorea: The Tropical Mini Air Purifying Palm

Chamaedorea: The Tropical Mini Air Purifying Palm

You don't need a green thumb to grow houseplants that purify the air in your home; NASA researchers have found that many common, easy-to-grow houseplants are very effective at reducing the most prevalent indoor air pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, mold and bacteria.

Areca Palm, Air Purifying, Chamaedoraea, Parlour, Palm, Indoor Plants, Air purifying, House Plants, Good Luck

The beauty of plants indoors brings a sense of relief to the urban dwellers, with several aesthetic & health benefits. There’s no substitute to the plants, as they are the only generators of Oxygen and are nature’s own air purifiers. NASA clean air study has significantly clarified why we should have plants inside the house or offices. We spend 90 % of our lifetime indoors. The urban apartment life style only gives us a little space outdoors to work with, considering this why not we bring the garden indoors.

One of the toughest indoor palms, the 'Parlour Palm' is a great choice for an elegant yet easy to look after plant. Chamadorea elegans, Neanthebella Palm, nick named as cat palm or Bamboo Palm plant this compact, dark green, indoor palm with long graceful fronds is a fabulous green friend that does well in almost all locations. It will turn your indoors into a little tropical paradise. It is easy-care and is great for offices or homes where it purifies & humidifies air and adds to a more creative and relaxed working environment. Parlour palm is one of NASA’s top air cleaning plants able to remove pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene and carbon monoxide from the air. When it comes to indoors these plants look perfect and their size remains very appropriate. These grow max to 2-2.5 feet only. Chamadoraea is one of the premiere indoor palms, succeeding beautifully as one for many decades, often in the same pot rarely ever outgrowing its situation.

The Parlour Palm was popular with the Victorians and remains a firm favourite for indoor green décor. Use palms to break up a section of blank wall, to fill an empty corner, to soften the edges of windows or furniture, or act as a living sculpture at the end of a side table. An easy way to dress up any palm is to grow it in an attractive container. Look for pots that match your decor style or color scheme. 

Light: Chamaedorea palms are not demanding for the grower when it comes to providing enough light. Any shaded type room will suffice with indirect sunlight. Do not keep in direct sunlight otherwise leaves can get burnt. This particular variety of palm tolerates lesser light compared to other palms.

Water: This palm prefers areas with high humidity. The soil around a Parlor Palm should be evenly moist. Water freely during the growing season but reduce the frequency of watering during the winter. Make sure that the soil remains moist but well drained.

If you have limited space, believe it or not, you can still achieve your decorating goals with fresh plants in exquisite pots by Rolling Nature. You can complement your palm houseplant with these other varieties.

Boston Fern

Grow a Boston fern at the base of your houseplant palms to add a fun dose of texture.Purifies & humidifies indoor air.

Chinese Evergreen or Aglaonema

Among the easiest of all houseplants, Chinese evergreen grows well with palms indoors. Emits high Oxygen, removes indoor toxic pollutants. One of the topmost recommended air purifier by NASA.

Dracaena Janet Craig

Similar to Lucky Bamboo Foliage, strikingly pretty & recommended by NASA as an air purifier.

When your home ends up with one of these nearly indestructible greens, just try to remember to tend to its low-maintenance needs and you should be good to go. Rolling Nature provides you ready potted, low maintenance, low watering requirement fresh plants in exotic pots that establish a style statement for your green decor.

Indoor plants not only absorb the Carbon Dioxide we exhale, but also rid our indoor air of nasty elements called “Volatile Organic Compounds” (VOC’s). These include formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, and Trichloroethylene; all of which are found in everyday items such as paper, carpets, electronics, and furniture. NASA recommended plants are highly effective at removing hazardous chemicals from the air. Not only that, but they can regulate humidity as well. NASA also recommends adding one plant for every 100 sq. ft. of indoor space. Try this and say goodbye to 90% of your indoor toxins! Breathe Fresh Indoors and stay healthy!

Author: Vandana Chaudhary

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