Have you ever visited your deck and felt that it could look better with some decorations? There are several ways to decorate your deck. It all depends on what inspires you or what you think will be most appreciated by those that visit you regularly. A stylish deck decoration with plants can transform a blank space into a serene outdoor space. If you want to boost your comfort and visual appeal, you can combine accessories, furniture, and other amenities with the plants you intend to use for the decoration. Here are some brilliant ideas that can give you an idea of how best to work on your deck and make it look more beautiful.
Use low maintenance plants
Decorating your deck with flowers is a fantastic idea but you need to be wary of how busy you are with other things when selecting your choice of plants. If you are always having busy office schedules that make you not have time for tending to a small garden save weekends, then you should probably choose your plants wisely. Stay away from plants that require a lot of attention to stay healthy. This is because the plants may be long gone by your next free time.
The key is watering and maintaining the plants. Some high-maintenance plant choices like zebra plants, calathea, orchid, and Boston fern will need you a lot. If you are the busy type, you can still achieve the dream of decorating your deck with plants by going for low-maintenance plants that do not require a lot of water, have little pests and diseases, and look great all the time. Examples of this are snake plants, ZZ plants, aloe vera, and the Chinese evergreen plant. Aloe vera plants are succulent, do not require a lot of water, and look great all the time.
Refurbish or rebuild your deck to suit a style
When planning the style you want to adopt for your deck’s beautification, it may occur to you that what you have available may not be enough to display your creativity. If this is the case, then you should not be afraid to try something new entirely. Break that deck down and build another to your taste before decorating. Renovating or redesigning it is another option to make it look better. You can contact a professional deck builder to help you achieve an exquisite design and then you can take over its decoration.
Go for plants that have a mixture of colors
It is very important to consider the painting of the exterior of your house when choosing home plants to adorn the deck. After all, you want something beautiful also and not just green plants everywhere. Choose a theme for your outdoor decor by going for plants that complement your house, furniture, or patio. Flowers in hues of orange, yellow, and red can add the needed class to your deck. Examples are orange marigold plants, yellow sunflowers, and red verbena. If you are going for a more subdued outcome, choose plants with cooler colors like white bacopa, blue salvia, and the gray-leafed licorice plant.
Decorate for privacy. Consider lighting and soil preferences
If you want some privacy while at your deck, you can plant small trees like evergreens, disease-resistant roses like flowering standards, and some shrubs like lantana and hibiscus. These will block the view of your neighbors. You need to consider how much of the sun rays hit your deck as well as the type of soil needed for these plants though. Some plants need the sun’s lighting regularly and some others will only thrive on some particular types of soil. Consider these before making plant choices. The hardiness rating is also important. Make sure the heights of your plant containers will meet the height and sun requirements for the plants you are buying. Using different colors of containers can add to your decorative intent too.
Decorate to attract butterflies
There are some favorite butterfly plants that you can consider for your deck’s decoration. Your railing planters, containers, and window boxes can all be adorned with butterfly plants like zinnias, verbena, and butterfly bush. This is perfect when you have kids around because kids find a lot of entertainment from watching the activities of butterflies. It even appeals to adults too and these plants support their natural habitat. Just imagine sitting on your deck and watching butterflies flutter around. That is one dream you can achieve with plants.
Final word
It is easy to just go for plants that are beautiful to the eyes, but apart from the preferences with colors, you should really consider other things that matter when choosing decorating plants for your deck. Plants need maintenance. Some need more time from you to always look good than others. Thriving conditions for the plants like sunlight exposure, soil types, and fertilizers should be considered also. It is not just about decorating your deck with beautiful plants, you need to know how to keep the plants looking good always since they are live plants.