The pandemic has hit us harder than our imagination, and the damage has been beyond words both in terms of lives and quality of life quality. The time from March till July had been tough. Rolling nature has always been doing its bit for environmental awareness and helping the people in need! We have been responsible employers adapting green and environment friendly methodology in the plant business and also take pride in ethical values in business along with humanitarian values.
To mark the 7th Year Celebrations, Rolling Nature distributed Hygiene kits: 200 Masks, Hand Sanitizers, Handwash, & Soaps. We also pledged to plant tree saplings in Pune, and do our plant distribution drives after the COVID restrictions are eased. The masks & the paper bags were made by the underprivileged women from NGO SUDHA, providing them employment opportunities. These kits helped few families in maintaining hygiene during the #COVID19 pandemic. We also arranged food for needy people during the outbreak. Recently we have associated with an orphanage Sparsh Bal Gram in Pune, which is a shelter for rehabilitation of HIV infected children. Rolling Nature aims to improve the quality of life of the children with best efforts. Rolling Nature announced it’s Environmental Conservation Arm “Initiative Earth” to work proactively for Earth along with individuals, organizations & policy makers. Through this initiative we will focus on spreading awareness and resolving the environmental and social issues that degrade the quality of life on Earth. Rolling Nature as a brand has always been conscious of the feelings of our mother Earth. The love for our planet is reflected at each stage of our production, our company culture and the relationship with our vendors & distributors.
Rolling Nature Co-Founder & CEO Sajin Kumar added “It’s a difficult phase and we are trying to help our staff and their families to go through this smoothly. We also announced extra bonuses during these trying times and also did extra help to send and bring back people from their home towns & villages! We also paid them even without work and ensured that they did not have any insecurity regarding their jobs and services. A lot of people depend on us, and luckily we were able to make their lives at ease with enough work and pays. These people are the backbone of our company, they work in the office, warehouse, pot manufacturing unit, nursery, transport, other services and supplies. We made every effort that everyone was comfortable and not alone during these unprecedented times. During this Corona crisis, Rolling Nature is following all standard safety procedures and protocols for its employees and customers. As of now everyone's health and safety is our priority. ”
Our Co-Founder Vandana Chaudhary who started her first environmental campaign as early in 2002, and has always advocated for environment and social welfare. She participated in various events globally this year. She was invited to speak at the Environment Day virtual event of The World Federation of World Peace & Love (FOWPAL) & UN International Day Of Conscience (ICDAY) "Environmental Visionaries Forum, 2020". Conscience driven solutions to achieve a sustainable environment.
She has been representing India and participating in various events of FOWPAL & ICDAY since, leading and creating a better world through her work. She has shared her inspiring messages on various International Days such as UN Charter Day, World Humanitarian Day, and International Day of Remembrance of Victims of Acts of Violence on Religion and Beliefs, Adoption of International Conscience Day and more on the global platforms.
Vandana also actively took part in United Nations Forum on Responsible Business & Human Rights (RBHR Summit 2020), United Nations Environmental Assembly Act for Nature Forum 2020, UN global Compact Leaders Summit and United Nations Industrial Development Organization's (UNIDO) "High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development"(HLPF) 2020 in June, 2020. She understands thoroughly the importance of such initiatives and aligns the company goals around them.
Message shared by our Co-Founder On World Humanitarian Day, 2020 (UN International Conscience Day & Federation of World Peace & Love (FOWPAL).
She adds “Post Covid a lot more has to be done and we aim at spreading awareness as most of the humanitarian crisis are deeply rooted in the environmental issues. We have been working for the environment for the past 7 years. Every year Rolling Nature creates an environmental campaign revolving around the theme of UNEP’s Environment Day, and all the past campaigns have been very successful. The highlights of all our campaigns had been plant distribution drives in Pune, and spreading awareness in the people, along with talks, contests and competitions. This year the campaign Love Nature 2020 missed a bit of the live action on ground owing to the lockdown restrictions. However, the campaign was run aggressively under Initiative Earth, and we are happy that we had people coming in support of the campaign and raising voices for important agendas like biodiversity, wildlife protection, afforestation, tree plantation, Desertification, Climate change, Climate justice for our planet. The time is short and we lack awareness on such issues in India. We need to rope in youth mainly and others to highlight the current issues and work for the immediate concerns.”
Global change requires a global community; inspires positive change; and calls for collective, worldwide environmental action. Accelerated action and trans-formative pathways: realizing the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development: 2030 is a must. This particular decade is important to change the course of humanity, after we have learned lessons in 2020. Everything is interconnected, green business, circular economy, and responsible human acts towards each other and also towards Nature will decide our fate from now on. We have already transformed over half of Earth’s land to produce our food, and severely damaged our oceans.
As a result, not only are we losing species at a rate 1000 times greater than the natural extinction rate, but we are also losing the ability of the natural world to rid us from our own pollution. The temperatures are rising, the weather patterns are scary and the time is ticking. Preservation of Earth's Biodiversity is integral for our survival in future. We need to spread awareness towards not damaging what is left and restoring what has been damaged. "LOVE NATURE" Campaign for World Environment Day 5th June was kicked off under Initiative Earth, which mainly aims at celebrating and protecting biodiversity and ecosystems. Rolling Nature & Initiative Earth will keep working on sustainable development goals (SDGS) and will adhere to green business. Also we will be trying our best to work for the environment and related issues in coming years.